Trending Research

How often does the best team win? A unified approach to understanding randomness in North American sport

bigfour/competitiveness 21 Jan 2017

Statistical applications in sports have long centered on how to best separate signal (e. g. team talent) from random noise.


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Network Regression with Graph Laplacians

yidongzhou/network-regression-with-graph-laplacians NeurIPS 2023

Network data are increasingly available in various research fields, motivating statistical analysis for populations of networks where a network as a whole is viewed as a data point.


0.01 stars / hour

Bayesian Graphical Entity Resolution Using Exchangeable Random Partition Priors

cleanzr/exchanger 8 Jan 2023

Entity resolution (record linkage or deduplication) is the process of identifying and linking duplicate records in databases.

Methodology Databases

0.01 stars / hour

A Bayesian Nonparametric Latent Space Approach to Modeling Evolving Communities in Dynamic Networks

joshloyal/dynetlsm 16 Mar 2020

Our proposed approach, the hierarchical Dirichlet process latent position clustering model (HDP-LPCM), incorporates transitivity, models both individual and group level aspects of the data, and avoids the computationally expensive selection of the number of groups required by most popular methods.


0.01 stars / hour

Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices in a Railway Transportation Network integrating Ticket Sales and Passenger Count Data

GretaGalliani/dynamic-OD-estimation-railway-network 12 Dec 2023

Indeed, to highlight the potentiality of dynamic OD matrices, we showcase some methods to perform anomaly detection of mobility trends in the network through such matrices and interpret them in light of events that happened in the last months of 2022.

Applications 62P30, 62-04, 62-08 G.3

0.01 stars / hour

Grabit: Gradient Tree Boosted Tobit Models for Default Prediction

fabsig/KTBoost 23 Nov 2017

A frequent problem in binary classification is class imbalance between a minority and a majority class such as defaults and non-defaults in default prediction.


0.01 stars / hour

A Practical Introduction to Regression Discontinuity Designs: Extensions

rdpackages-replication/cit_2020_cup 21 Jan 2023

In this second monograph, we discuss several topics in RD methodology that build on and extend the analysis of RD designs introduced in Cattaneo, Idrobo and Titiunik (2020).

Methodology Econometrics Applications Computation

0.01 stars / hour

Spike-and-Slab Priors for Function Selection in Structured Additive Regression Models

fabian-s/spikeSlabGAM 26 May 2011

Structured additive regression provides a general framework for complex Gaussian and non-Gaussian regression models, with predictors comprising arbitrary combinations of nonlinear functions and surfaces, spatial effects, varying coefficients, random effects and further regression terms.

Methodology Applications

0.01 stars / hour

Pigeons.jl: Distributed Sampling From Intractable Distributions

julia-tempering/pigeons.jl 18 Aug 2023

We introduce a software package, Pigeons. jl, that provides a way to leverage distributed computation to obtain samples from complicated probability distributions, such as multimodal posteriors arising in Bayesian inference and high-dimensional distributions in statistical mechanics.

Computation Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

0.01 stars / hour

hmmTMB: Hidden Markov models with flexible covariate effects in R

theomichelot/hmmtmb 25 Nov 2022

One particularly useful extension of HMMs is the inclusion of covariates on those parameters, to investigate the drivers of state transitions or to implement Markov-switching regression models.

Methodology Computation

0.01 stars / hour