Robust across technologies with varying gene numbers and spatial resolution, stIHC provides a powerful tool for decoding the spatial organization of gene expression and the functional structure of complex tissues.
Methodology Genomics
Evaluating the causal impact of deploying such models can be done with a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that randomizes users to ML vs. control groups and assesses the effect on relevant outcomes.
This article introduces Levy-driven graph supOU processes, offering a parsimonious parametrisation for high-dimensional time-series, where dependencies between the individual components are governed via a graph structure.
Methodology Statistics Theory Applications Statistics Theory 62M10, 62F99, 60G10, 62P99, 60F05, 60G57, 60E07
This study presents a framework for high-resolution mortality simulations tailored to insured and general populations.
Applications Methodology
In this paper, we present an estimation and inference procedure for such cost effectiveness measures for the embedded dynamic treatment regimes within a SMART design.
Methodology Applications
Recent methodological developments have introduced new black-box approaches to better estimate heterogeneous treatment effects; however, these methods fall short of providing interpretable characterizations of the underlying individuals who may be most at risk or benefit most from receiving the treatment, thereby limiting their practical utility.
Our approach, an R Implementation of a Transgenerational Hologenomic Model-based Simulator (RITHMS) is an open-source package, builds upon the MoBPS package and incorporates distinctive characteristics of the microbiota, notably vertical and horizontal transmission as well as modulation due to the environment and host genetics.
We study the problem of missing not at random (MNAR) datasets with binary outcomes.
The integration of longitudinal measurements and survival time in statistical modeling offers a powerful framework for capturing the interplay between these two essential outcomes, particularly when they exhibit associations.
Methodology Computation
Both structural and practical parameter non-identifiability present fundamental challenges when using mathematical models to interpret data.
Applications 62F99 (Primary) 65L09, 93B30, 62F12, 34A55 (Secondary)