Large-Scale Person Re-Identification

6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric

nwojke/deep_sort 21 Mar 2017

Simple Online and Realtime Tracking (SORT) is a pragmatic approach to multiple object tracking with a focus on simple, effective algorithms.

Real-time Multiple People Tracking with Deeply Learned Candidate Selection and Person Re-Identification

longcw/MOTDT 12 Sep 2018

Online multi-object tracking is a fundamental problem in time-critical video analysis applications.

Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification

layumi/Pedestrian_Alignment 3 Jul 2017

This task aims to search a query person in a large image pool.

Surpassing Real-World Source Training Data: Random 3D Characters for Generalizable Person Re-Identification

VideoObjectSearch/RandPerson 23 Jun 2020

To address this, we propose to automatically synthesize a large-scale person re-identification dataset following a set-up similar to real surveillance but with virtual environments, and then use the synthesized person images to train a generalizable person re-identification model.

Progressive Bilateral-Context Driven Model for Post-Processing Person Re-Identification

123ci/PBCmodel 7 Sep 2020

Most existing person re-identification methods compute pairwise similarity by extracting robust visual features and learning the discriminative metric.

The Self-Optimal-Transport Feature Transform

DanielShalam/SOT 6 Apr 2022

The Self-Optimal-Transport (SOT) feature transform is designed to upgrade the set of features of a data instance to facilitate downstream matching or grouping related tasks.