Trending Research

Bayesian Time Varying Coefficient Model with Applications to Marketing Mix Modeling

uber/orbit 7 Jun 2021

Both Bayesian and varying coefficient models are very useful tools in practice as they can be used to model parameter heterogeneity in a generalizable way.

Applications Methodology

0.06 stars / hour

Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Smoothers

EEA-sensors/sequential-parallelization-examples 20 Feb 2020

This paper presents algorithms for temporal parallelization of Bayesian smoothers.

Computation Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Dynamical Systems

0.02 stars / hour

Pigeons.jl: Distributed Sampling From Intractable Distributions

julia-tempering/pigeons.jl 18 Aug 2023

We introduce a software package, Pigeons. jl, that provides a way to leverage distributed computation to obtain samples from complicated probability distributions, such as multimodal posteriors arising in Bayesian inference and high-dimensional distributions in statistical mechanics.

Computation Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

0.02 stars / hour

ruptures: change point detection in Python

deepcharles/ruptures 2 Jan 2018

ruptures is a Python library for offline change point detection.

Computation Mathematical Software

0.02 stars / hour

Tracking multiple spawning targets using Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixtures on sets of tree trajectories

Agarciafernandez/MTT 10 Nov 2021

This paper proposes a Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) filter on the space of sets of tree trajectories for multiple target tracking with spawning targets.

Methodology Systems and Control Systems and Control Applications

0.01 stars / hour

Unified treatment of the asymptotics of asymmetric kernel density estimators

tommyod/KDEpy 10 Dec 2015

We extend balloon and sample-smoothing estimators, two types of variable-bandwidth kernel density estimators, by a shift parameter and derive their asymptotic properties.

Methodology Statistics Theory Statistics Theory

0.02 stars / hour

Conformal Prediction Under Covariate Shift

ryantibs/conformal NeurIPS 2019

We extend conformal prediction methodology beyond the case of exchangeable data.


0.01 stars / hour

A Conceptual Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

tpapp/DynamicHMC.jl 10 Jan 2017

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo has proven a remarkable empirical success, but only recently have we begun to develop a rigorous under- standing of why it performs so well on difficult problems and how it is best applied in practice.


0.01 stars / hour

collapse: Advanced and Fast Statistical Computing and Data Transformation in R

SebKrantz/collapse 8 Mar 2024

collapse is a large C/C++-based infrastructure package facilitating complex statistical computing, data transformation, and exploration tasks in R - at outstanding levels of performance and memory efficiency.


0.01 stars / hour

Synthetic Difference in Differences

synth-inference/synthdid 24 Dec 2018

We present a new estimator for causal effects with panel data that builds on insights behind the widely used difference in differences and synthetic control methods.


0.01 stars / hour