Photoplethysmography (PPG) heart rate estimation

6 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Estimating heart rate from the photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal

Most implemented papers

Multi-Task Temporal Shift Attention Networks for On-Device Contactless Vitals Measurement

xin71/MTTS-CAN NeurIPS 2020

Telehealth and remote health monitoring have become increasingly important during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and it is widely expected that this will have a lasting impact on healthcare practices.

DRNet: Decomposition and Reconstruction Network for Remote Physiological Measurement

yuhang1070/rPPG_Strong_Baseline 12 Jun 2022

Besides, a plug-and-play Spatial Attention Block (SAB) is proposed to enhance features along with the spatial location information.

Remote Heart Rate Measurement from Highly Compressed Facial Videos: an End-to-end Deep Learning Solution with Video Enhancement

ZitongYu/STVEN_rPPGNet ICCV 2019

The method includes two parts: 1) a Spatio-Temporal Video Enhancement Network (STVEN) for video enhancement, and 2) an rPPG network (rPPGNet) for rPPG signal recovery.

pyVHR: a Python framework for remote photoplethysmography

phuselab/pyVHR PeerJ Computer Science 2022

A number of effective methods relying on data-driven, model-based and statistical approaches have emerged in the past two decades.

Detecting beats in the photoplethysmogram: benchmarking open-source algorithms

peterhcharlton/ppg-beats Physiological Measurement 2022

Objective: This study aimed to: (i) develop a framework with which to design and test PPG beat detectors; (ii) assess the performance of PPG beat detectors in different use cases; and (iii) investigate how their performance is affected by patient demographics and physiology.

BeliefPPG: Uncertainty-aware Heart Rate Estimation from PPG signals via Belief Propagation

eth-siplab/beliefppg 13 Jun 2023

We present a novel learning-based method that achieves state-of-the-art performance on several heart rate estimation benchmarks extracted from photoplethysmography signals (PPG).